
立博中文版书院于1959年成立, 图书馆委员会, 主席是莉莲·洛德, 图书综合收藏, 期刊, 和属于圣. Alexius School of Nursing with Priory High School’s library holdings and additional titles already acquired for the use of future Mary College students.

The Committee originally housed these materials in the high school wing of Annunciation Priory. Following the completion of Our Lady of Annunciation Chapel in 1963, the Mary College library found its first fixed home in the lower level of what later became the Benedictine Center for Servant Leadership.


Our staff initially consisted of one full-time clerk assisting Lord, 谁每周三天监督图书馆的运作. Sister Martha Clare Kilzer became our first full-time librarian in the fall of 1962. Her fellow sisters at Annunciation Priory provided part-time support throughout her tenure. Under Sister Martha Clare’s direction, library holdings continued to grow.

1968 saw the appointment of our first library director, Sister Marie Schuster. In 1971, Brother Paul Nyquist succeeded Sister Marie, serving for six years. Cheryl Bailey assumed the directorship in 1977; her 38-year tenure came to a close in 2015. 同年, 我们欢迎现任图书馆服务主任, 大卫·格雷, 焊工图书馆家族.


In 1993, the University of Mary library partnered with the public libraries of Bismarck and Mandan to form the Central Dakota Library Net工作 (CDLN) and establish an exhaustive online public access catalog (OPAC). 今天,cddn由20多个地区图书馆组成.


在80年代和90年代, representatives from accrediting bodies repeatedly noted significant hindrances to library accessibility, particularly the original space’s inadequate size and inconvenient location at the south end of campus. After nearly 40 years in the lower level of Annunciation Priory, the University of Mary library took permanent residence in its current home. 建于1998年, 焊工图书馆坐落在礼物山的山顶, so named in recognition of Charles “Chick” Swanson’s 1957 bequest of 40 acres to our founders, 报喜会的本笃会修女会.


The 焊机图书馆 is dedicated to the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery and “our friend and university leader,已故的托马斯·韦尔德修女, 的OSB, “for her wisdom and leadership in growing the University of Mary.“坚定的仆人式领袖和终身学习者, Sister Thomas served as President of the University of Mary from 1978 to 2009.


除了我们的主空间,它号称 彩色和黑白打印的计算机工作站 可容纳204位客人. 我们的大楼里有教室, 艺术画廊, 以及艺术与科学学院的主要办公室. 我们目前持有的股票有近47只,000印量, 超过500,000电子书, and a growing catalog of online databases that together provide access to roughly 100,000种学术期刊. 我们为每年超过75,000名顾客提供服务而感到自豪.


The 焊机图书馆's mission is to provide comprehensive resources and services in support of the 研究, 教学, 以及立博中文版社区的学习需求. 为了完成这一使命,焊工图书馆努力:

  • Understand the 研究, 教学, and learning needs of its users;
  • Build collections and create tools to support 研究, 教学, and learning;
  • Provide access to and promote the discovery and use of local and external information resources;
  • Ensure the preservation and long-lasting availability of library collections and resources;
  • Create hospitable physical and virtual environments for study, 教学, and 研究;
  • Collaborate with other members of the university to enrich the 研究 and learning community;
  • Advance local and national library and information initiatives;
  • Develop, encourage, and sustain expertise, skill, commitment, and an innovative spirit in its staff.

作为知识探索的中心, the 焊机图书馆 shares with the University of Mary the aspiration to provide a dynamic learning environment.

The 焊机图书馆 ensures that its collections remain forward-looking, 在广度和形式上多样的, 开放浏览, 质量无可挑剔. Access to library information is critical to our users and the library promotes information resources that are innovative and allow for an effortless system of access to our students, 教师, 和工作人员. 服务未来用户, the library preserves information across all formats and ensures effective storage and delivery systems. The library’s physical and virtual spaces respond to the changing habits of its users to enrich the campus experience and to multiply the ways in which people can pursue inquiry. The library’s collaboration with expanding circles of partners yields unified access, 拓宽知识, 增强服务.

图书馆继续拥抱变化, 支持职业发展和机会, 并奖励灵活性和创新



The 焊机图书馆 is fully committed to supporting the University of Mary's mission to serve the religious, 学术, 以及本地区和其他地区人民的文化需求.


  • 我们鼓励学习的过程和思想的生活.
  • 我们颂扬通过话语和调查来寻求真理.
  • 我们期待并促进学术研究.
  • We promote the library as both a real and virtual extended classroom.
  • We embrace our role as collectors and custodians of the intellectual record.


  • We offer an environment that supports creativity, flexibility, and collaboration.
  • We believe that each user of the library is unique and important.
  • We evolve to meet the changing needs of the library and its users.
  • 我们保持着舒适的, 欢迎, 也是一个安全的学习场所, 研究, 工作, 反射, 和交互.
  • We maintain useful and valuable online information resources to fully support the needs of all distance learners.


  • 我们致力于追求卓越.
  • We seek out the best people and resources to accomplish our 工作.
  • 我们支持个人成长和组织发展.
  • We 工作 diligently to exceed the expectations of those we serve.


  • 我们以诚实和坦率的态度相处.
  • We adhere to the principles of fairness, justice, and equality in our 工作.
  • 我们提倡我们职业的最高标准, 包括公开和公平地获取信息.
  • 我们表现出强烈的职业道德, 为我们的行为负责, 遵守诺言, 履行我们的承诺.


  • 我们对每个人都一视同仁,彬彬有礼.
  • 我们鼓励不同的观点、意见和想法.
  • 我们考虑他人的需要.
  • 我们提供一个包容和多样化的环境.


  • 我们在各个层面进行公开和诚实的沟通.
  • 我们认识到全图书馆参与的重要性.
  • 我们接触到所有用户群体.
  • We share information and solicit opinions about decisions that affect the success of the library.


Welder Librarians are on hand to provide 研究 and reference assistance to students needing one-on-one guidance.