哈罗德·哈姆基金会捐赠1000万美元和大陆资源公司 Donates $2M to the University of Mary


The gift establishes the Hamm School of Engineering and The Continental Resources | Monsignor James Shea Chair of Engineering

Gift启动了立博中文版创纪录的第二阶段 展望2030首都运动


俾斯麦,和 今天, 周二, 2月1日, 2022, University of Mary President Monsignor James Shea announced a $10 million philanthropic gift to the university from the Harold Hamm Foundation and a $2 million gift from Continental Resources. It is the largest single donation in the school’s history and believed to be the largest-ever charitable gift given for 教育 in the footprint of the Bakken Shale Formation, 北达科他州西部和蒙大拿州东部. 

$10 million from the Harold Hamm Foundation goes towards naming the Hamm School of Engineering, while Continental Resources has specifically earmarked an additional $2 million to endow a Chair of Engineering, 命名为“大陆资源”——詹姆斯·谢伊主教工程主席.” This gift also launches Phase 2 of University of Mary’s $272 million 展望2030首都运动. 第二阶段的目标是8700万美元.

 “这份礼物在很多方面都很重要,哈姆说。, 谁因为日程冲突而不能参加中午的新闻发布会, 而是由他的女儿代理, 雪莱Lambertz. “We believe so strongly in the values 和任务 of the University of Mary and the leadership of Monsignor Shea. 大陆资源公司对巴肯地区的油气生产非常重视, 为了维持这种增长,我们需要一些最优秀、最聪明的工程专业毕业生. We believe Mary’s engineering program will provide some of the most well-prepared engineers in the industry. So we see this as a long-term partnership for the viability of the economy in western North Dakota.”

在短短五年的时间里, 新成立的哈姆工程学院(Hamm School of Engineering)已经以严格的课程作业而闻名, 创新, 并在土木四年的全部学习中进行多学科的体验式学习, 机械, 还有电气工程, 除了建筑管理和计算机科学课程.

“我们感到谦卑、感激和荣幸. Hamm and Continental Resources have so generously made this transformative investment in our students, 教师, 和任务,谢伊说。. “我们理解这是领导力的问题. 对这种慷慨的管理伴随着巨大的责任, 最终改变当前学生和后代的生活, 即使我们满足了北达科他州和我们伟大国家不断增长的劳动力需求. 我们以极大的活力和兴奋接受这一挑战, as we continue to meet the needs of the people of this region and beyond — that same pioneering spirit exemplified by our founders, 报喜修道院的本笃会修女会, 1878年,他们抵达达科他领地. 感谢您对我们的信任和合作.”

Phase 2 of the 展望2030首都运动 is a three-year endeavor that will conclude in December of 2025 and includes four pillars. Phase 2 will grow the Saint Gianna School of Health Sciences to meet America’s growing healthcare needs, 重新承诺提供卓越的健康科学教育, 重申每个人的尊严.

第二阶段还将对哈姆工程学院进行最后的润色. 到2030年,该校每学年将有50名工程师毕业.

Phase 2 includes a new Welcome Center on south campus built on to the east side of the Benedictine Center for Servant Leadership. 南门将被指定为正门, 并对道路进行“重新排序”, prospective students and their parents will be naturally directed to the front door of the Welcome Center. 服务将包括招生办公室, 校友, 军事服务, 居住生活, 金融援助, 学生账户.

Phase 2 also includes a massive overhaul of certain athletics facilities and campus landscape. A new sports complex will run parallel to University Drive/Highway 1804 and features a new stadium directly east of the current fieldhouse. Gameday广场与体育场相连,南面是室外田径场地. 继续向南, 新的棒垒球中心将紧靠着南校区的正门. 计划也为学者和运动员提供学术支持, 额外的教室空间, 人造草坪表面, and an Air Dome in the winter will allow teams to practice and all students a place for recreation in the winter months.     

“我们真的很幸运得到了奥巴马先生的捐赠. Hamm and Continental Resources as it allows us to launch Phase 2 of our 展望2030首都运动 that will bring about new programs, 新设施, 新的社交空间, 新教室, 还有更多, 同时完全改变了我们校园布局的外观和感觉,执行副总裁杰罗姆·里希特说. “更重要的是, Phase 2 will help transform students’ lives and provide a stronger sense of hospitality and community — two Benedictine values near and dear to the Sisters and our late 荣誉退职的总统托马斯·韦尔德修女. 这无疑将继续向我们所珍视的他们的遗产致敬.” 

The three-phased 展望2030首都运动, launched in 2015, has a total goal of $272 million. In just over three years, Phase 1 contributions surpassed its goal and exceeded $100 million. Phase 1 brought about a new Lumen Vitae University Center (LVUC) that is at the heart of campus, 为学生提供就餐场所, 研究, 享受奖学金, 找到他们需要的服务. Helping to showcase LVUC is its 24/7 Crow’s Nest Campus Restaurant sponsored by Steve and Eileen Scheel, 和创始人大厅, 献给报喜修道院的本笃会修女. Phase 1 also included the new 276-bed Roers Hall for women to help accommodate record enrollment. Phase 1 also saw the construction of a state-of-the-art fieldhouse supporting indoor track and field, 教练的办公室, and a wellness center for all students to access a wide array health and fitness activities. 美丽的沃福德岩洞, 由粗石砌成, 献给大学的女赞助人, 圣母玛利亚, 欢迎学生, 教师, 和社区沉浸在神圣的空间祈祷, 敬拜, 和反射. And Phase 1 also featured the enshrinement of Gift Hill Cross that was used in the 1958 ceremony and blessing commemorating the donation of property the university now sits on.


Harold Hamm于1967年创立了Continental Resources,并担任董事会主席. 大陆资源公司(NYSE: CLR)是美国十大独立石油生产商之一.S. 也是美国能源复兴的领导者. 总部设在俄克拉荷马城, Continental is the largest leaseholder and the largest producer in the nation’s premier oil field, 北达科他州和蒙大拿州的巴肯地区. The Company also has significant positions in the SCOOP and STACK plays of the Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma and newly acquired positions in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Permian Basin of Texas. 专注于石油的勘探和生产, Continental has unlocked the technology and resources vital to American energy independence and our nation’s leadership in the new world oil market. 今年,该公司庆祝成立55周年.


True to its motto “lumen vitae” — The Light of Life — the University of Mary offers 教育 for the whole of life through cutting-edge professional programs and graduate programs animated by moral courage and leadership in chosen professions and service to the community. 一个私人, 天主教男女同校机构, 立博中文版欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生.

 一个基督徒, 天主教, Benedictine institution founded in 1959 by 报喜修道院的本笃会修女会, 立博中文版提供近60个学士学位, 19个硕士, 还有五个商学博士项目, 教育, 护理实践, 职业治疗, 还有物理治疗. The 19-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue mission under the governance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) conferences. 有3个以上,800名学生, 立博中文版在北达科他州设有办事处, 蒙大拿, 亚利桑那州, 罗马(意大利), 以及充满活力的在线服务.
